Assessment Area Management Complexity Assessment Last Assessed: 14th Jan 2022 at 11:00 am Responsible Party: Detailed Assessment - Management Complexity Detailed Assessment - Management Complexity Is the mandate of the Managing Agent/Third-party formalised in a signed contract or agreement that is current and applicable? * Yes - agreed on an annual basis Yes to a degree - mandate is extended without formalisation No Don't know/Can't establish Does the Community Scheme have a dedicated Estate Manager/Operator? * Yes - full time Yes - half day Yes to some degree - shared and/or part time resource No, not really - reliant on dedicated gardener/security guards/Security Company No - totally dependent on managing agent/ad-hoc service providers No, not at all - totally dependent on trustees/directors or resident Is there continuity in the services provided by the Managing Agent/Management Agents? * Yes No Don't know/Can't establish Does the Community Scheme have a crisis management plan e.g. in event of fire, flood, earthquake, explosion, hostage situation? * Yes a comprehensive plan is in place for any disaster. We have very basic and limited plans in place. We don't see a need for this Not sure/Can't establish No - we have nothing in place What is the mix of the dwelling units permanently occupied by owners/retirement village lessees versus those occupied by tenants in the Community Scheme? * Predominantly owners/lessees Mostly owners/lessees Roughly half/half Mostly tenants Predominantly tenants What is the mix of occupancy i.e. leisure/holiday use vs permanent residential/retirement living use? * Predominantly leisure/holiday Mostly leisure/holiday Roughly 50/50 Mostly residential/retirement Predominantly residential/retirement Does the Community Scheme have pre-paid meters in place for electricity and/or water? * Yes - water and electricity Yes - electricity only Yes - water only Not at all What is the turnover of tenants in the Community Scheme? * Very high High Average/ Moderate Low Very low What is the reputation of the Community Scheme e.g. well run and managed, financially stable, safe and secure, good re-sale value, beautiful gardens/common areas, quality services, quality care, good catering etc? * Excellent Very Good Good Average Poor Bad Very bad Don't know/Can't establish What, if anything is being done to maintain/improve the reputation of the Community Scheme? * We have a number of key initiatives to improve this We are focusing on a few things Very little Nothing What is the level of involvement required of the Trustees/Directors in the day to day affairs of the Community Scheme e.g. approvals, conduct issues, payments, procurement, complaints, financial issues, HR/people issues, ad-hoc meetings, contractual issues, interaction with lawyers etc? * Very high level of involvement required/continuous disruption High level of involvement Acceptable level of involvement Low level of involvement/disruption Minimal involvement and low level of disruption Does the Community Scheme have a pest problem e.g. ants, rats, mosquitos, mice, geckos, bats, birds, flies? * Yes -persistent problems Yes - but we are dealing with it/managing it/make use of pest controls and other deterrents Yes - but has hopefully been dealt with successfully Doesn't appear to be a problem No, not at all Don't know/Can't establish If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit