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While every effort has been made to ensure that the guides and assessments are as comprehensive as possible, many risks are unique and specific to particular businesses or industries. In an environment of increasing volatility,uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity, it is not possible to provide definitive and total solutions to every single risk, scenario, situation or circumstance.
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In the event of any dispute of any nature whatsoever arising between the parties on any matter provided for in, or arising out of this agreement and not resolved through the customer services department of CommPropRisk (CPR) then such a dispute shall be submitted to confidential arbitration in terms of the expedited rules of the Arbitration Foundation of South Africa. Arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in Johannesburg in English.
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Dott Risk Consultants (Pty) Ltd trading as CommPropRisk (CPR) choose as their domicilium citandi et executandi for all purposes under this agreement, whether in respect of court process, notice, or other documents or communication of whatsoever nature, 7 Sunninghill Office Park, Peltier Dr, Sunninghill, Sandton, 2128, South Africa
This agreement shall commence when the user registers on the CommPropRisk (CPR) site and continues indefinitely until terminated by CommPropRisk (CPR) or the customer.
The Electronic Communications and Transactions Act of 2002 may be downloaded from:
On this website CommPropRisk (CPR) provides information about the company generally and for purposes of the ECT Act. The ECT Act states that when CommPropRisk (CPR) offers products or services by way of certain electronic transactions it must make the following information about the company available to customers on websites where the products or services are offered:
Full name:
Dott Risk Consultants (Pty) Ltd trading as CommPropRisk (CPR)
Main business:
Provision of risk related content and services
Address for receipt of legal service:
7 Sunninghill Office Park, Peltier Dr, Sunninghill, Sandton, 2128, South Africa
Office bearers:
GW Dott, G Korner
Website: www.commproprisk.co.za